Outbreak! Freshwater Biological Maintenance media thumbnails
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Outbreak! Freshwater Biological Maintenance


Blue Shark SKU: ATM-00602 Barcode: 870317006022

Size: 16 oz

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Waste Digestion

Outbreak! offers the same bio-augmentation power utilized in industrial waste facilities to reduce organic waste to near nothing.

With the unique ability to provide hyper-productive strains of bacteria for freshwater and marine environments independently,  Outbreak! is a key part of a clean, healthy tank.


The Sharks Of The Microbe World

Most of the common problem issues associated with aquarium keeping can be traced right to the amount of organics present in the system.  Easily the most concentrated and powerful organics consuming bacteria product on the market, Outbreak! lives up to its name.

Ordinarily, other bacteria take up the function of consuming decomposing organics.  The problems with these bacteria are that they are slow and create odor as well as other unwanted waste.  Outbreak! out-competes these bacteria, replacing them with a far more efficient and clean-burning bacteria.  What’s more is that Outbreak! bacteria work aerobically or anaerobically, allowing them to work all over the aquarium.

Outbreak! is an industrial strength biological proven in many zoos, commercial aquariums, and aquaculture facilities around the globe and is one of the most important livestock you’ll add to your system.



  • To drastically reduce present organics in the system
  • When odor is present
  • To keep filtration media clean
  • To turn bad feelings into good feelings


Shake bottle vigorously to mix bacteria and enzymes. Initial Dose: Add 26 ml (1oz) of ATM Outbreak! for every 75 L (20 gal) directly into water. Repeat dose in 24 hours. Maintanence Dose: Add 26 ml (1oz) of ATM Outbreak! Freshwater for every 75 L (20 gal) directly into water weekly.  NOTE: Turn off or unplug UV sterilizers, proteind skimmers,  and ozone generators prior to and 48 hours after each introduction of ATM Outbreak!. Keep at room temperature.